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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4895

Ewa Przybos and Sergei Fokin; Species of the Paramecium aurelia Complex Sonneborn in Germany. Arch.Protistenk 148:167-172, 1997


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The occurrence of species of the Paramecium aurelia complex was studied in material collected in 1995 in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Also five strains collected previously in Munster (Westphalia) and Stuttgart (Baden-Wurttemberg) were identified. Identification was carried out by mating the clones with the mating types of the standard strains of known species of the P. aurelia complex. The presence of P. biaurelia, P. triaurelia, P. sexaurelia, and P. novaurelia was revealed. All species were found in Stuttgart or in its neighbourhood (Baden-Wurttemberg), and two species (P. biaurelia and P. novaurelia) in the material from Munster (Westphalia). In some srains endosymbionts were found, Caedibacter sp. Preer, Preer, Jurand (1974) in the cytoplasm, and Holospora caryophila Preer and Preer (1982) in the macronucleus.