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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4893

Weibo Song and Gabriele Packroff; [Taxonomische Untersuchungen an marinen Ciliaten aus China mit Beschreibungen von zwei neuen Arten, Strombidium globosaneum nov. spec. und S. platum nov. spec. (Protozoa, Ciliophora)] (Taxonomy and Morphology of Marine Ciliates from China with Description of Two New Species, Strombidium globosaneum nov. spec. and S. platum nov. spec. (Protozoa, Ciliophora)). Arch.Protistenk 147:331-360, 1996/97


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The morphology and taxonomy of 15 marine ciliates (Chaenea vorax, Lacrymaria marinum*, Dysteria brasiliensis*, Uronema marinum*, Homalogastra binucleata, Fabera salina, Strombidium platum nov. spec., Strombidium globosaneum nov. spec., Strombidium styliferum*, Euplotes charon*, Euplotes vannus, Euplotes rariseta*, Diophrys scutum*, Diophrys oligothrix*, Diophrys appendiculata*) from China were investigated. Nine species (marked with *) were recorded from this area for the first time. The infraciliature and the silverline system of all species reported here were investigated using various silver impregnation methods and, if possible, biometrically described. Two new species are described: Strombidium platum nov. spec.: Oblong to elliptical marine Strombidium with conspicuous collar and long-oval macronucleus; size in vivo 70-100x40-60 µm; dorso-ventrally 1:2 flattened; 8-11 buccal and 15-18 collar adoral membranelles, only one somatic kinety, extrusomes ca. 5 µm, irregularly arranged. Strombidium globosaneum nov. spec.: Colourless, small, ovoid-shaped marine Strombidium. Size in vivo 20-35x20-30 µm, 10-12 collar adoral membranelles, 5-6 buccal adoral membranelles; buccal lip inconspicuous, lorica absent.