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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4862

Igor B. Raikov and Valentina G. Kovaleva; Comparative Ultrastructure of the Cytoplasm in Species of the Genus Tracheloraphis (Ciliophora: Karyorelictida) I. Somatic Cortex. Arch.Protistenk 145:80-93, 1995


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The somatic kineties, the myonemes, the dorsal non-ciliated stripe, the cortical granules and the rhabdocysts are described in four species of the genus Tracheloraphis: Tr. phoenicopterus, Tr. totevi, Tr. crassus, and Tr. caudatus. The somatic kineties carry kinetosome pairs of which both are usually ciliated. Less frequently, only the anterior kinetosome is ciliated. Each kinety is accompanied on its right by a strong lamellated postciliodesma and, on its left, by a prominent longitudinal microfilamentous myoneme. Tr. totevi has also thinner transverse myonemes which are more superficial than the longitudinal ones. The kinetosomes pairs show a set of typical fibrillar derivatives: the posterior kinetosome has a strong postciliary fibre joining the postciliodesma and a short hooked kinetodesmal filament; the anterior kinetosome shows a transverse fibre of seven microtubules. Each ciliary row is underlain by a subkinetal fibre directed backwords and consisting of up to 10 sheets of microtubules. The basal end of a kinetosome is closed by a dense basal plate; the intermediate zone is short and consists of a cup-formed septum and a large axial granule. The cortex displays refractile subpellicular bodies which are pigmented in some species and contain dense granular material, and rhabdocysts consisting of a concentrically-structured "head", a shaft and a basal vesicle. Incomplete extrusion of rhabdocysts has been observed. The basal vesicle swells and the shaft moderately elongates upon extrusion.