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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4834

Igor B. Raikov; Somatic Cortical and Endoplasmic Fine Structure of Remanella granulosa Kahl (Ciliophora, Karyorelictida). Arch.Protistenk 144:7-16, 1994


In File


Remanella granulosa Kahl (Family Loxodidae) is a flattened lancet-shaped ciliate with 10 kineties on its right (physiologically ventral) body side, and two kineties along the margins of the otherwise barren left body side. In the right side kineties, the kinetosomes are paired, both being ciliated. In each pair, the rear kinetosome gives rise to a postciliary ribbon of microtubules which are stacked to form prominent lamellated postciliodesmata. The rear kinetosome has also a medium-long striated kinetodesmal filament which contacts the postciliary ribbon of the preceding pair. The anterior kinetosome has a short ribbon of transverse microtubules. There are numerous mitochondria in the interkinetal ridges, but no obvious myonemes. In the two left-side kineties, the kinetosomes are also paired, the anterior being ciliated, the posterior barren. Some of the latter are connected with the inner bodies of the Muller's vesicles, likely to be gravity receptors. The endoplasm contains many skeletal spicules, especially near the right body side, and many food vacuoles, frequently with diatoms inside. There are also envacuolated bacteria likely to be symbiotic. Some endoplasmic mitochondria are conspicuously surrounded by membrane vesicles and lack definite cristae. Curious tiny bottle-shaped organelles, likely to be extrusomes, occur in groups between some kineties on the ciliated body side. On both sides of the body, the plasma membrane is underlain by microtubules and provided with envacuolated subpellicular pigment granules.