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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4817

Carl T. Friz; Taxonomic Analyses of Seven Species of Family Amoebidae by Isozymic Characterization of Electrophoretic Patterns and the Descriptions of a New Genus and a New Species: Metamoeba n. gen. Amoeba amazonas n. sp. Arch.Protistenk 142:29-40, 1992


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Taxonomic relationships were determined by comparing isozymic similarity coefficients within and between 4 genera of family Amoebidae. Of the 6 strains of Amoeba proteus, the Ca strain is elevated to the status of subspecies and called A. proteus hopkinsensis while the other 5 strains form a tight proteus cluster. From previous morphological and physiological data and the present isozymic data, Amoeba amazonas is described as a new and distinct species within genus Amoeba. Since it is shown that the common giant amoeba is interspecifically but intragenerically related to A. proteus, A. amazonas and Amoeba borokensis, its name has been changed to that of a former synonym, Amoeba carolinensis. Finally a new genus, Metamoeba, is established of which M. leningradensis, the former Amoeba leningradensis, is the type species in as much as it is not intragenerically related to genus Amoeba and can not be identified with any species previously described and named.