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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4813

Hannes Augustin and Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie und Okologie einiger Ciliaten (Potozoa: Ciliophora) aus dem Belebtschlamm] (Morphology and Ecology of some Ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Activated Sludge). Arch.Protistenk 141:243-283, 1992


In File


The morphology, infraciliature and ecology of some ciliates from activated sludge are described. Enchelyomorpha vermicularis (Smith, 1899) possesses short, non-contractile processes, a uniform infraciliature consisting of monokinetids, a narrowly meshed silverline system and lacks oral cilia. The monotypic family Enchelyomorphidae nov. fam. is established for this peculiar ciliate. Dexiotricha tranquilla (Kahl, 1926) nov. comb. is provided with an improved diagnosis. The swarmer of Vorticella convallaria (Linnaeus, 1758) shows an epistomial membrane which inserts about 250 degrees apart from the distal end of the adoral ciliary spiral. The following species are redescribed and characterized morphometrically: Aspidisca turrita (Ehrenberg, 1831), A. lynceus (Muller, 1773), A. cicada (Muller, 1786), Prorodon ovum (Ehrenberg, 1831), Spathidium anguilla Vuxanovici, 1962, Spirostomum minus Roux, 1901, S. teres Claparede & Lachmann, 1858, Climacostomum virens (Ehrenberg, 1838), Opisthonecta patula Foissner, 1975, Holosticha monilata Kahl, 1928 and Sterkiella histriomuscorum (Foissner, Blatterer, Berger & Kohmann, 1991).