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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4788

Ana Sola, Almudena Guinea, J.F. Longas, and Dimas Fernandez-Galiano; [Nouvelles Donnees sur l'Infraciliature Somatique et Buccale de Caenomorpha uniserialis Levander, 1894 (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida)] (New Data about the Somatic and Buccal infraciliature of Caenomorpha uniserialis Levander, 1894 (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida)). Arch.Protistenk 138:233-238, 1990


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This paper describes the somatic and the buccal infraciliature of the heterotrich ciliate Caenomorpha uniserialis using the pyridinated silver carbonate method of Fernandez-Galiano (1976). The somatic infraciliature of this species is located in three zones: a) the perizonal zone, composed by 100-120 short oblique kineties, each one with 10-15 paired kinetosomes, b) the bell kinety, formed by 90-100 kinetosomes which are disposed in a zigzag pattern, and c) three or four short kineties placed at the base of the longer spine. The buccal infraciliature consists of one adoral zone of membranelles, each one with three rows of kinetosomes, and of a paroral kinety composed by two parallel rows of kinetosomes.