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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4781

Hubert Blatterer and Wilhelm Foissner; [Beitrage zur Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa: Ciliophora) der Amper (Bayern, Bundesrepublik Deutshland] (Contributions to the Ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) of the Amper (Bavaria, F.R.G.)). Arch.Protistenk 138:93-115, 1990


In File


Three new and 2 little known ciliates occurring in the small river Amper (Bavaria, F.R.G.) are described. The diagnoses base on live observations, protargol stained specimens, and on morphometrical techniques. Chlamydonellopsis nov. gen.: Lynchellidae with a single, slightly curved perioral kinety above the cyrtos. Chlamydonellopsis plurivacuolata nov. spec. has 4 contractile vacuoles, whereas C. polonica (Foissner, Czapik & Wiackowski, 1981) nov. comb. has only 2 vacuoles. Pseudochilodonopsis caudata (Perty, 1852) nov. comb. is resurrected and is characterized by the pointed posterior end which is turned to the right. The diagnosis of the genus Alinostoma (Jankowski, 1980) is improved: Oblong Chilodonellidae, the paroral kinety of which is irregularly fragmented. Many contractile vacuoles in 2 rows. Alinostoma burkli nov. spec. differs from A. plurivacuolata (Deroux & Dragesco, 1986) by the shape of the dorsal body which does not project the ventral side. The somatic kineties of Tintinnidium semiciliatum (Sterki, 1879), a remarkable non-pelagic "Aufwuchs" species, consist of monokinetids and dikinetids. This separates T. semiciliatum distinctly from other pelagic fresh-water tintinnids the somatic kineties of which consist either of monokinetids or dikinetids Oxytricha haematoplasma nov. spec. is separated from other oxytrichids by a diffusely (non granular) reddish coloured cytoplasm, yellow subpellicular granules, 4 dorsal kineties, and a single caudal cirrus.