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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4745

F.J. Siemensma and R.M.M. Roijackers; A Study of New and Little-known Acanthocystid Heliozoeans, and a Proposed Division of the Genus Acanthocystis (Actinopoda, Heliozoea). Arch.Protistenk 135:197-212, 1988


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In the genus Acanthocystis, as understood until now, three groups of species can be distinguished. These three groups are raised to generic level. The genus Acanthocystis is retained for species with a centrally attached discoid basal plate. The re-diagnosed genus Choanocystis includes species with an eccentrically attached and incised basal plate. The new genus, Pterocystis, is proposed for all species with two wing-like membranes along the proximal part of the shaft or at least a membranous broadening at the base of the shaft. Scales of 11 acanthocystid species were studied by light and electron microscopy. Three new species are described: Acanthocystis dresscheri, Pterocystis raineri and Pterocystis anapoda. The name Acanthocystis nichollsi is proposed for Acanthocystis pectinata sensu Nicholls 1983. Choanocystis lepidula is re-diagnosed and an emended diagnosis is given for Choanocystis aculeata (n. comb.), Acanthocystis spinifera, Acanthocystis pectinata, Pterocystis echinata (n. comb.) and Pterocystis pteracantha (n. comb.). Acanthocystis pantopodeoides is recognised as a new synonym for Pterocystis fortesca.