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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4724

Monika Durrschmidt; An Electron Microscopical Study of Freshwater Heliozoa (Genus Acanthocystis, Centrohelidia) from Chile, New Zealand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. II. Arch.Protistenk 133:21-48, 1987


In File


Electron microscope studies of plankton from Chile, New Zealand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka have led to the identification of 30 apparently hitherto unknown species. They have been allocated because of their similar plate scales mainly to the Centrohelidian genus Acanthocystis. Twenty taxa are included in this second report. Sixteen taxa are described: A. scaposa, A. clavata, A. tubata, A. penardi Wailes ssp. pusilla, A. valdiviense, A. pectinata (Penard) Nicholls ssp. ceylanica, A. pectinata ssp. malayensis, A. cornuta, A. bicornis, A. takahashii, A. cordiformis, A. cordiformis ssp. parvula, A. rhytidos, A. granulata, A. pertusa, A. rotundata Nicholls ssp. rotoairense. The description of two species is amended: A. pantopoda Penard and A. penardi Wailes. A. pectinata and A. rotundata are new finds from Chile, New Zealand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.