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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4721

Purification Calvo, Antonio Torres, and Julio Perez-Silva; Ultrastructural and Cytochemical Study of the Encystment in the Hypotrichous Ciliate Histriculus similis. Arch.Protistenk 132:201-211, 1986


In File


Electron microscopic observations during the encystment of Histriculus similis confirmed that the cyst wall, composed of four layers, is derived from different kinds of precursors which are synthesized de novo. The ectocyst precursors are composed of stacked plates enclosed in a unit membrane. The mesocyst precursors are fibrous packets of variable shapes and sizes. The granular layer precursors are vesicles of different sizes and shapes surrounded by a unit membrane. A cytochemical and enzymatic study has been carried out to determine the cytochemical composition of the cyst wall precursors and their origin.