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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4704

Franco Verni and Giovanna Rosati; Cytochemical demonstration of Different Esterases during the Life Cycle of the Ciliate Protozoon Euplotes crassus. Arch.Protistenk 131:95-99, 1986


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By means of cytochemical techniques at the electron microscope level, enzymatic activities have been detected in Euplotes crassus cells, that are due to different types of non-specific esterases. Esterases revealed by means of the thiolacetic acid procedure have a specific role during conjugative processes, while the other hydrolyzing 8-hydroxyquinoline esters, are present in E. crassus cells independent of the life cycle. Neither pseudo- nor acetylcholinesterases are responsible for the enzymatic activity evident in the present study.