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Ref ID : 4691

Akada Rinji; Relationships between Cell Cycle and Conjugation in the Ciliate Euplotes patella syngen 2. Arch.Protistenk 129:171-177, 1985


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Analyses of the relationships between the cell cycle and the early conjugation process were extended to Euplotes patella syngen 2. This species had longer cell cycle and S phase than the other ciliates so far analyzed for these problems. Stages of macronuclear S phase were arbitrarily subdivided into three stages by means of the cytologic marker, replication bands, which migrated from the tips of the C-shape macronucleus to the middle along with the progress of S phase. Cells in each stage were examined for the mating capability. This species enter conjugation during not only macronuclear G1 phase but also S phase except for the terminal stage. Moreover, early conjugants with oral primordia for cell division and/or swelled micronuclei which showed vegetative mitotic prophase were observed occasionally. However, cells in terminal S phase and G2-D phase did not conjugate. These results suggested that in the long cell cycle species E. patella syngen 2 the mating capability was associated with the cell division but not with the stage of the cell cycle, such as G1 and S phase.