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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4676

Frederick C. Page and Lydia V. Kalinina; Amoeba leningradensis n. sp. (Amoebidae): A Taxonomic Study Incorporating Morphological and Physiological Aspects. Arch.Protistenk 128:37-53, 1984


In File


A strain of large amoebae isolated in the northwestern USSR, designated as Sh and already used in a number of cell-biological investigations, has been found to differ from strains of Amoeba proteus by several physiological characters. Its nucleus is incompatible with strains of A. proteus. The most notable morphological differences include size and shape of nucleus, distribution of nucleolar material, cell surface structure, and structure of the Golgi bodies. It is therefore described as a new species, Amoeba leningradensis. Both physiological and ultrastructural characteristics are reported in detail. This study demonstrates the usefulness of combining different approaches in the taxonomy of this difficult groups of organisms and suggests the integration of morphological, physiological, biochemical, and immunological results, when possible, rather than the isolated application of a single approach.