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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4666

Harald Plachter; [Licht- und rasterelekronenmikroskopische Untersuchung des Schwarmers von Discophrya guilcherae Matthes 1954 (Suctoria, Ciliata)] (Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Bud of Discophrya guilcherae Matthes 1954 (Suctoria, Ciliata)). Arch.Protistenk 121:372-380, 1979


In File


Surface structures of the bud of Discophrya guilcherae Matthes 1954 have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and compared with results gained by light- and interference-contrast microscopy of living specimens. The shape of the large bud (200x80 µm) is very flat and sole-like when viewed from above. Locomotoric cilia cover the ventral surface with exclusion of the scopuloid dot and a triangular, cilia-free area. The latter is limited to the back end by a striking row of large pores situated on top of a curved bulge. This structure is compared with the pellicular pores -covering the whole cell surface- and with related structures of other suctorians. The dorsal surface is nearly free of cilia with the exception of a single longitudinal row of stiff, long cilia ending in front of a cytoplasmic tip. The possible functions of this cinety, being obviously not actively motile are discussed.