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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4651

Jochen Knupling; [Okologische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten im Brackwasserbereich des Elbe-Aestuars] (Ecological investigations on Ciliates in the Periphyton of the brackish-water region of the Elbe Estuary). Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 43(2/3):273-288, 1979


In File


From May till October 1975 the development and evolution of the ciliates in the periphyton-biocoenosis (Aufwuchs) in the brackish-water region of the Elbe estuary were studied. The periphyton was collected on submerged glass slides which were inserted in plastic frames. Both the annual succession of different taxonomic groups of periphytic ciliates and the stages in the development of the primary growth have been evaluated. It was of special interest to find out in which way the occurrence and the population dynamics of the ciliates were influenced by biotic factors such as inter- and intra-specific competition for place and food, increase and predation. An attempt was made to determine the ecologically dominant ciliates in the periphyton.