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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4635

Krzysztof Wiackowski, Janusz Fyda, and Aneta Ciecko; The behaviour of an omnivorous protozoan affects the extent of induced morphological defence in a protozoan prey. Freshwater Biology 49:801-809, 2004


In File


1. The ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus responds to the presence of Stylonychia mytilus with a morphological transformation rendering its ingestion more difficult. Predation on Euplotes is reduced when an alternative prey, the flagellate Chlorogonium elongatum, is available. Lower predation is accompanied by reduced induction in Euplotes. 2. We quantified the motility of both ciliates in the presence and absence of Chlorogonium to test the hypothesis that the differential response in Euplotes is a consequence of behavioural changes affecting the encounter rate of the prey and the predator. 3. The results indicate that S. mytilus uses different feeding strategies for each prey. It is a filter feeder when small food particles (Chlorogonium) are abundant, however, it becomes a raptorial feeder when large prey with an escape capability (Euplotes) is available and small alternative prey are absent. 4. As the mobility of filter feeding Stylonychia is strongly limited, the presence of the flagellate may indirectly affect the defence level in Euplotes by reducing the frequently of contacts with the predator. 5. An experiment with Chaetogaster diastrophus, a more specialised predator not affected by the presence of Chlorogonium, as well as direct manipulation of the encounter rate by changing the surface area available for the crawling ciliates, supported the encounter rate hypothesis.