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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4628

L. Varga; [Zur Frage der Okologischen Klassifizierung der Bodenbewohnenden Organismen]. Congres de la Science du Sol 6:231-235, 1956


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The author shows that Franz's (1950) "ecological" classification of the animal world in the soil, the chief standpoint of which is the manner of locomotion (sessile, swimming, wriggling and digging fodents edaphons) is not correct. He would recommend the following ecological classification for organisms living in the soil: a) Hydrobionte (aquatic) edaphon, the members of which can only live in water: Protozoa, Nematoda, Rotatoria, Gastrotricha, Tardigrada, Copepoda, as well as the microflora living in the soil (bacteria, algae and many fungi). b) Hygrophile edaphon requiring humidity, the members needing a soil the air of which is rich in vapour (Lumbricidae, Enchytraeidae, Pauropoda, Chilognatha, Protura, Collembola, Insecta, Acari, Arachnoidea). c) Xerophile edaphon, consisting of elements which are well able to endure dryness: many insects, spiders, vertebrates. These, however, are not true inhabitants of the soil.