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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4618

M.Cs. Bereczky, Nandor Oertel, and Janos N. Nosek; Structural investigations of periphytic protozoan communities in three layers of the Danube River 1. The question of stratification. In: Periphyton of Freshwater Ecosystems, edited by R.G.Wetzel: Dr W.Junk Publishers, 1983, p.49-54


In File


Investigations were carried out on the Danube River at God (1669 river km) in Autumn 1979 and late Spring 1980. Samples were taken a three layers of the water column (surface, middle, and near-bottom) on the 2nd, 4th, 8th, 16th, and 32nd day after exposition. Glass slides (uncoated and coated by ovalbumin) placed into metal baskets were used as substrata. Simultaneously, water temperature, dissolved oxygen content, conductivity, pH, and oxidation-reduction potential were recorded using an in situ Water Quality Analyzer. In the protozoan community two layers could be distinguished, near the surface and in a deeper stratum. Stratification was influenced foremost by the water-flow regime in the case of physico-chemical parameters. The near-surface stratum seemed to be a less stable environment than the others.