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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4538

Gertrud Benwitz; [Die Entladung der Haptrocysten von Ephelota gemmipara (Suctoria, Ciliata)] (Mode of Discharge of Haptocysts in Ephelota gemmipara (Suctoria, Ciliata)). Z.Naturforsch. 39c:812-817, 1984


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The fine structure of haptocysts, characteristic organelles of most suctorians, is described during the resting state and the discharge after contact with the prey. In Ephelota, there is no fusion of the plasma membranes of predator and prey, as has been suggested for the haptocysts of other suctorians. But the membrane covering the organelle becomes continuous with the plasma membrane of the suctorian tentacle, and inner structures of the haptocyst attach to the perforated pellicle of the prey.