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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4520

Jun Gong, Hongwei Ma, and Weibo Song; On the Marine Ciliate, Pseudocohnilembus hargisi (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) with Comparison of its Related Species. Chin.J.Oceanol.Limnol. 20(3):261-265, 2002


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The living morphology, nuclear apparatus, infraciliature and silverline system of the poorly-known ciliate Pseudocohnilembus hargisi Evans & Thompson, 1964, collected from a shrimp culture pond in Qingdao, China, were examined by observation of the live specimen; and by the pyridinated carbonate method and Chatton-Lwoff technique. The main characteristics: 13-14 (usually 13) longitudinal or slightly spirally arranged somatic kineties; single contractile vacuole with usually 2 (1-2) pores at posterior ends of the fourth and fifth somatic kineties to the right of the buccal cavity. Several related congeners were compared and morphometrically tabulated.