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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4504

Michael Entzeroth and Lothar Jaenicke; [Synthese von Blepharismon, dem nieder-molekularen Konjugationshormon von Blepharisma japonicum] (Synthesis of Blepharismone, the Low-Molecular Conjugation Hormone of Blepharisma japonicum). Z.Naturforsch. 36c:180-182, 1981


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An effective and versatile synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptophane derivatives offers good access to the conjugation inducing hormone blepharismone of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum and to derivatives and analogues of this biologically active compound. 5'-Fluoroblepharismone and 2'-des-formamidoblepharismone induce conjugation at 500 and 1200 times, respectively, the concentration of the true effector. At high concentration, however, the 2'-des-formamido derivative desensitizes the receptor system for the natural gamone.