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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4417

Paul Prevot and Marie-Odile Soyer; [Action du cadmium sur un Dinoflagelle libre: Prorocentrum micans E.: croissance, absorption du cadmium et modifications cellulaires]. C.R.Acad.Sc.Paris 287:833-836, 1978


In File


The study of the growth of Prorocentrum micans E. submitted to sublethal doses of cadmium demonstrated a high sensitivity of this Dinoflagellate to the pollutant starting with concentration of 5 µg/l. The uptake of cadmium was measured by pluse polarographic analysis of the filtered culture medium. Structural modifications, not apparent in living cells, are visible after fixation. The high sensitivity of Prorocentrum micans to cadmium, also its easy culture, makes it a suitable pollution indicator of this heavy metal.