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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4389

Rosa M. Rios, Jesus Martin, Antonio Torres, and Concepcion Fedriani; Production and Characterization of Three Polyclonal Antibodies Raised Against Cyst Wall Proteins of a Hypotrichous Ciliate. J.Protozool. 39(5):584-588, 1992


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Three plolyclonal antibodies raised against Paraurostyla sp. cyst wall polypeptides of molecular weight 110,000 (p110), 66,000 (p66) and 52,000 (p52) have been obtained. The specificity of the antisera was tested by immunoblotting. Anti-p110 antibody detected five bands of 300, 170, 135, 110 and 40 kDa, respectively. Antiserum obtained against p66 recognized only this protein. Anti-p52 antiserum showed reaction for two different bands of 52 and 44 kDa, respectively. The precise localization of these proteins in the cyst wall was assessed by light microscope immunocytochemistry. Anti-p110 antiserum produced a strong positive reaction in both the ectocyst and endocyst. Both anti-p66 and anti-p52 antibodies recognized the ectocyst.