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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4300

M. Wiemann; The Release of Holospora obtusa from Paramecium caudatum Observed with a New Device for Extended in Vivo Microscopy. J.Protozool. 36(2):176-179, 1989


In File


The macronucleus-specific bacterium Holospora obtusa is released from its host cell Paramecium caudatum generally after a preceding cell division. Before division, most infections forms of the bacteria can be found in a connecting strand of the dividing macronucleus. This connecting strand is deformed and finally expelled as a whole from the daughter cells. This process was observed and photographed with a simple device allowing observations for a long time under a microscope without damage to the living cells.