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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4275

Richard D. Allen; Paramecium Phagosome Membrane: From Oral Region to Cytoproct and Back Again. J.Protozool. 31(1):1-6, 1984


In File


Ten years of research on digestive vacuoles (phagosomes) of Paramecium caudatum have revealed sequential changes both within the vacuole lumen as well as within the surrounding membrane. Four vacuole stages can be recognized by a combination of thin section and freeze-fracture ultrastructural features. Three sets of vesicles (discoidal vesicles, acidosomes, and lysosomes) fuse with the vacuole, each at a predetemined stage, to bring about these membrane and physiological changes. At various times membrane is removed as vesicles from the vacuole surface, which has the effect of regulating vacuole size. Membrane recycling, membrane replacement, and specific membrane to membrane recognition all appear to be operating during the digestive cycle. Details of these events are summarized in this address and a number of unanswered questions suggest areas for future research.