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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4245

O. Roger Anderson; Fine Structure of a Silica-Biomineralizing Testate Amoeba, Netzelia tuberculata. J.Protozool. 34(3):302-309, 1987


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The fine structure of the cytoplasm and the intracytoplasmic origin of siliceous granules and surrounding cement plaques used in constructing the shell wall of Netzelia tuberculata are described. These organisms construct their test from biogenic siliceous particles and sand grains or other foreign particles (including starch grains apparently from algal prey) coated with biogenic silica. The smooth surface texture of the grains, compared to those of other particle-gathering testate amoebae, can be explained by the deposition of a thin surface layer of silica on the foreign particles incorporated into the wall.