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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4179

J. Norman Grim; Balantidium prionurium n. sp., Symbiont in the Intestine of the Surgeonfish, Prionurus punctatus. J.Protozool. 32(4):587-588, 1985


In File


During the spring of 1984, the ciliate Balantidium prionurium n. sp. was collected from the intestinal lumen of the herbivorous surgeonfish, Prionurus punctatus, from the Gulf of California. The symbionts were found in five fish from two well separated collection sites. Morphostatic specimens average 51 µm x 42 µm, and the thus fall within the size range of several other fish balantidia. But the presence of Balantidium in a saltwater fish has not been reported, and such a host difference alone supports at least provisional recognition of this organism as a new species.