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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4171

Sato Katsuyuki; Nuclear Behavior during Reconjugation in Euplotes patella (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). J.Protozool. 32(3):485-490, 1985


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Nuclear behavior during reconjugation and the ultimate fate of the ex-reconjugants were followed after induction of reconjugation in Euplotes patella. An exconjugant could reconjugate with a vegetative cell or with another exconjugant. Exconjugants at an early stage of macronuclear development (oval macronuclear anlagen) did nor reconjugate frequently whereas exconjugants at a late stage of macronuclear development (rod-like macronuclear anlagen) reconjugated frequently. In all cases, the micronucleus underwent normal meiosis and other nuclear changes. After reconjugation, a new macronuclear anlage and a new micronucleus were formed normally, so that there were two kinds of macronuclear anlagen in the exconjugants, an old and a new. The old rod-shaped anlage did not disappear after the differentiation of a new one, but it was broken up into several fragments. While the survival rate after normal conjugation was 78%, it was 0-20% after reconjugation. These results suggest that the micronuclei of exconjugants can act as germ nuclei even at a very early stage and that reconjugation, unlike conjugation, is harmful to the cell.