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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4124

K.H. Nicholls and Denis H. Lynn; Lepidotrachelophyllum fornicis, n. g., n. sp., a Ciliate with an External Layer of Organic Scales (Ciliophora, Litostomatea, Haptoria). J.Protozool. 31(3):413-419, 1984


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Lepidotrachelophyllum fornicis n. g., n. sp. was discovered in White Lake, Ontario, Canada, under winter ice. The genus is Trachelophyllum-like, being highly flattened, elongate, and very extensible. The major feature that separates it from other genera in the family Trachelophyllidae is the presence of a dense layer of organic scales which covers the exterior of the cell and through which the cilia emerge. The scales are composed of filamentous material which is organized as an ovoid structure. The "rim" of the baseplate is formed of interwoven filaments. The baseplate is broken by circular or polygonal apertures. The same filaments form an arched superstructure broken by even larger, less regular apertures.