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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4109

Dean Dawson, Deborah J. Stetler, Marshal T. Swanton, and Glenn Herrick; Tandemly Repeated Sequence Families in Micronuclear DNA of the Ciliate Stylonychia pustulata. J.Protozool. 30(4):629-635, 1983


In File


One third of a collection of cloned Stylonychia pustulata micronuclear DNA PstI fragments were found to be of a similar size, consistent with their being members of a repetitious sequence family with a repeat size of about 160 base pairs. Cross-hybridization experiments confirmed that these small cloned fragments are related by sequence homology. Hybridization of the cloned repetitious sequences to PstI digested micronuclear DNA revealed a "ladder" of bands (step size = 160 base pairs), indicating that the repeats are found in tandem arrays. This is the first demonstration of highly repetitious, tandemly repeated sequences in a ciliated protozoan.