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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4075

Marijo A. Readey, Eugene W. McArdle, and Joo O. Koo; The Occurrence of Argentophilic Bands ("Virgulenes") on the Cortical Surface of Tetrahymena. J.Protozool. 30(2):266-270, 1983


In File


When Tetrahymena furgasoni (W) are stained by the silver impregnation technic, a relatively small percentage of them show cortical argentophilic bands or stripes that are intermeridional in position. The number and arrangement of the bands as well as their distinctive appearance and abrupt daily peaks of occurrence render them distinct from other recognized components of the argyrome. The term "virgulene" is proposed as a name for this feature.