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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4054

Tommie J. Laughlin, John Michael Henry, Edwin F. Phares, Mary V. Long, and Donald E. Olins; Methods for the Large-Scale Cultivation of an Oxytricha (Ciliophora: Hypotrichida). J.Protozool. 30(1):63-64, 1983


In File


Oxytricha strains used in biochemial studies have traditionally been grown in unaerated, unagitated culture tubes or Fernbach flasks. These cultures are limited in volume to about one liter and have a very nonuniform distribution of cells, with the majority of the cells at the very top or bottom of the medium. We have found conditions in which Oxytricha can be grown in 50-litter fermentation vats. The cultures grow to a uniform density of about 6000 cells/ml.