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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4013

Barry J. Wicklow and Arthur C. Borror; Discotricha papillifera: Structure and Morphogenesis of a Marine Interstitial Ciliate. J.Protozool. 24(1):99-108, 1977


In File


Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, a marine interstitial ciliate, is redescribed with the aid of light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy from cells collected at a New Hampshire beach. Presence of primitive membranelles as well as an advanced stomatogenesis is demonstrated. The ultrastructure, including a unique membrane-bounded septate structure, is described. The cell is tentatively placed in the nassulid suborder Microthoracina, but affinities with other groups are discussed.