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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4011

Maria Jerka-Dziadosz and Krystyna Golinska; Regulation of Ciliary Pattern in Ciliates. J.Protozool. 24(1):19-26, 1977


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The modes of pattern regulation found in the ciliates Dileptus and Paraurostyla are compared. These forms are systematically distant but both possess very extensive regenerative capacities. They are characterized by 2 types of ciliary patterns: the ciliature of Dileptus has largely a simple pattern composed of single kinetosomes while that of Paraurostyla has a complex pattern composed of aggregates of kinetosomes interconnected by amorphic matter. In both ciliates a change in cell size evokes pattern regulation which differs substantially in the extent of pattern replacement, timing, and localization of morphogenetic activities. It is concluded that these differences result from the pattern constituents.