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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3981

Norman E. Williams and Julita Bakowska; Scanning Electron Microscopy of Cytoskeletal Elements in the Oral Apparatus of Tetrahymena. J.Protozool. 29(3):382-389, 1982


In File


Extraction of the ciliated protozoon Tetrahymena with nonionic detergents produces a surface-related cytoskeleton that consists of a basic lamina of whole-cell dimensions together with associated microtubule and microfilament systems, including all ciliary basal bodies. The organization of the isolated cytoskeleton has been studied using scanning electron microscopy, and several new features are described in the oral region. Here the ciliary basal bodies are arranged in a very stable and highly complex pattern. This pattern was found to be identical in the four species of Tetrahymena we examined. In addition, various microtubular bundles and two separate systems of filaments were observed in scanning electron micrographs of isolated oral skeletons. The appearance of the deep fiber bundle in preparations of this type suggests that it arises, at least in part, as an extension of the ribbed wall microtubules. On the basis of its distribution within the oral skeleton, one of the filament systems described is suggested to be a contractile system responsible of pinching off food vacuoles.