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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3969

John C. Clamp; Ellobiophrya conviva n. sp., a Commensal of Marine Ectoprocts, and a Revision of the Family Ellobiophryidae (Ciliophora, Peritricha). J.Protozool. 29(2):149-156, 1982


In File


The sessiline peritrich Ellobiophrya conviva n. sp. is described from marine ectoprocts of the genus Bugula, the first report of an ellobiophryid on bryozoan hosts. The new species is distinguished from others of its genus by different body proportions, size, host, and a structure of the clasping holdfast (for which the new name cinctum is chosen). Ellobiophrya conviva has been found only on B. neritina and B. turrita and shows a marked seasonal cycle of abundance. The family Ellobiophryidae Chatton & Lwoff is revised on the basis of new information provided by E. conviva, with the single species of the genus Clausophrya removed to Ellobiophyra as E. oblida Naidenova & Zaika n. comb. The genus Caliperia Laird remains unchanged. The two genera of the revised family are distinguished from one another by differences in the structure of the cinctum. Hypotheses are advanced to explain the morphogenesis of the cinctum and the evolution of ellobiophryids from other peritrichs.