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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3936

Anne Fleury and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Donnees Nouvelles sur Quelques Processus Morphogenetiques chez les Hypotriches, Notamment dans le Genre Euplotes: Leur Contribution a l'Approche Evolutionniste du Probleme de la Regulation de l'Activite Morphogenetique chez les Cilies]. J.Protozool. 28(3):283-291, 1981


In File


The changes in the arrangement of the infraciliature associated with autogamy in Euplotes are described and compared with similar events associated with conjugation. The successive steps of morphogenesis are strongly correlated with nulear processes. The comparative study of different types of morphogenesis (binary fission, sexual phenomena, starvation-induced reorganization) leads to the hypothesis that two morphogenetic fields (a ventral one and a dorsal one) depend on separate regulatory systems. From the viewpoint of evolution, the morphogenetic sequences of some hypotrichs have been compared. A general scheme of the evolution of cortical regulation is proposed, taking into account the extension of the area concerned with stomatogenic activity.