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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3916

Jacques Bohatier; [Morphogenese de Regeneration chez le Cilie Condylostoma magnum (Spiegel): Etude ultrastructurale]. J.Protozool. 26(3):404-414, 1979


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Cortical events occurring in the course of regeneration in Condylostoma magnum (Spiegel) were studied by electron microscopy. The zone of regeneration is very rich in vacuoles and small vesicles formed from the plasma membrane. Multiplication of kinetosomes starts on the left side of kineties in the V-shaped left ventral area, normally implicated in stomatogenesis, at the level of the anterior kinetosomes of the somatic pairs. The proliferation proceeds by the appearance of young kinetosomes most often orthogonal to the old ones. This process of multiplication is very rapid and terminates in the formation of an "anarchic field" in which one observes that: (a) the newly formed kinetosomes do not possess all the associated postciliary fibers; and (b) when these fibers are detected, the kinetosomes are not in the same orientation. Differentiation of the adoral organelles takes place in the left part of the field (left primordium) by an alignment of the kinetosomes into 2 rows for each organelle (oriented perpendicularly to the antero-posterior axis of the ciliate), of which only one has the post ciliary fibers. Ciliatogenesis occurs in numerous kinetosomes of the anarchic field; in certain kinetosomes it is achieved at the onset of their arrangement into organelles and is concomitant with growth of the nematodesmata. The 3rd (anterior) row of the organelles, the interkinetosomal desmata, and connections among neighboring organelles appear only secondarily. Differentiation of the paroral cilia occurs later. It takes place in the interior of the primordium, whose organization is primarily anarchic, and is accompanied by a progressive resorption of the major part of the newly formed kineties. Numerous kinetosomes of the right field have the associated postciliary fibers, which are not found at the level of the regenerated "polystichomonad" (paroral organization characteristic of C. magnum). Finally, the formation of new kinetosomes within a somatic kinety at the time of its elongation is described.