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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3885

D.L. Nanney and R.M. Preparata; Genetic Evidence Concerning the Structure of the Tetrahymena thermophila Macronucleus. J.Protozool. 26(1):2-9, 1979


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A satisfactory model of the Tetrahymena thermophila macronucleus must explain its genetic behavior in terms of its constituent molecules. Particular genetic phenomena requiring explanation are (a) phenotypic assortment, here interpreted as resulting from allelic disjunction rather than from differential gene expression; (b) unequal allelic input for some loci, interpreted as a consequence of unequal and selective replication of some alleles during early macronuclear development; (c) delayed assortment at some loci, interpreted as an effect of inequality of allelic input combined with a generalized elevation of DNA content during early clonal history; (d) linkage disruption, probably reflecting continuous somatic recombination rather than dissolution of chromosomes into small repliconic untis; (e) assortment depression, brought about by the occasional association of homologous replicons (chromosomes) or else by a differential increase in some classes of replicons; (f) ploidy-related developmental differences in macronuclear primordia are interpreted on the basis of quantitative differences in DNA rather than in terms of an early perception of genic imbalance. (g) ploidy independent macronuclear DNA content is consistent with several models of size regulation.