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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3858

Thomas J. Byers, Robert A. Akins, Barbara J. Maynard, Richard A. Lefken, and Scott M. Martin; Rapid Growth of Acanthamoeba in Defined Media: Induction of Encystment by Glucose-Acetate Starvation. J.Protozool. 27(2):216-219, 1980


In File


Defined media are described that support 14-20 hr generation times for Acanthamoeba castellanii and A. rhysodes in monolayer cultures. The media differ in minor ways from previously described media, but the growth rates are greatly improved over previously reported values. Maximum growth rates were observed for A. castellanii in a complex medium containing 21 amino acids, but near-maximum rates could be achieved in relatively simple media containing 9 amino acids. Growth occurred with 6 amino acids, as reported by others, but generation times exceeded 30 hr. Amitosis was a common problem during early subcultures in defined media, but became infrequent after repeated transfers. Synchronous encystment resulting in 70-80% cyst formation could be induced in the defined media by glucose and acetate starvation. The rate of encystment varied with cell density at the time of starvation and was optimal at initial densities of 400-800 amebae/mm2.