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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3853

Pierangelo Luporini and Cinzia Giachetti; Multiconjugant Complexes of Euplotes crassus: An Instance of Coordination of Nuclear Events. J.Protozool. 27(1):108-112, 1980


In File


In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, doublet cells of 3 complementary mating types were mixed and multiconjugant complexes obtained. The cells were not uniform in the G1 stage at the time of mixing. Despite asynchrony, the nuclear events of conjugation started and progressed coordinately in all the members of each complex, leading to a synchronous exchange of pronuclei. An adjustment of the cellular timing takes place before the nuclei of multiconjugants begin dividing. This adjusting probably occurs through specific ciliary contact during preconjugant interaction.