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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3817

Glenn T. Morton and James D. Berger; Comparison of Singlet and Doublet Paramecium tetraurelia: DNA Content, Protein Content and the Cell Cycle. J.Protozool. 25(2):203-207, 1978


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Doublet Paramecium tetraurelia contain either a single macronucleus which is substantially larger than that in a singlet cell, or 2 smaller macronuclei. Doublets have approximately twice the DNA content and twice the total protein content of singlets. The cell cycle of doublets is 164% as long as that of singlets, but the relative position of the macronuclear DNA synthesis period within the cell cycle is the same as in singlets. The DNA content of doublets is regulated so that differences in the number of macronuclei do not produce corresponding changes in DNA content; bimacronucleate doublets have only 27% more DNA than unimacronucleate doublets.