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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3806

David Kahan, Rachel Oren, S. Aaronson, and U. Behrens; Fine Structure of the Cell Surface and Golgi Apparatus of Ochromonas. J.Protozool. 25(1):30-33, 1978


In File


Ochromonas danica has an unusually flexible cell surface capable of producing projections of varying sizes and shapes: large projections, 340-360 nm long, and small projections, 50-110 nm long. These projections have been demonstrated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy; some of them may break off into the medium and be the source of extracellular membranes and vesicles reported in the cell-free O. danica grown medium. Ruthenium red stained the acid mucopolysaccharide layer just outside the cell surface as well as small blebs at the cell surface. The Golgi complex of O. danica, Ochromonas malhamensis, Ochromonas sociabilis, and Ochromonas sp. produced small coated vesicles which may move toward and fuse with the plasma membrane. The role of the several vesicles is unknown but possible functions are discussed.