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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3773

Mikami Kazuyuki and Hiwatashi Koichi; Macronuclear Regeneration and Cell Division in Paramecium caudatum. J.Protozool. 22(4):536-540, 1975


In File


In Paramecium caudatum, occurrence of macronuclear regeneration is closely related to the time of feeding after conjugation. Macronuclear regeneration is induced with a high frequency when conjugating pairs are transferred into fresh culture medium. Feeding immediately after conjugation induces early cell division and 3 or more fissions occur without macronuclear division because of the inability of the macronuclear anlagen to divide. In the cells lacking normal macronuclear anlagen, old macronuclear fragments undergo regeneration and form vegetative macronuclei.