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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3762

Frederick L. Schuster; Ultrastructure of Cysts of Naegleria spp: A Comparative Study. J.Protozool. 22(3):352-359, 1975


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Ultrastructure of cysts of Naegleria gruberi, Naegleria fowleri, and Naegleria jadini was compared by transmission electron microscopy. Pores in the cyst wall were observed in all 3 species. In N. gruberi they were surrounded by a collar and sealed with a relatively large mucoid plug; no such collar was seen around the pores in the other 2 species, in which the plug was smaller than that in N. gruberi. An electron-dense plaque serving as an additional pore closure was present in all 3 species. In N. gruberi, the cyst wall consisted of an inner thick and an outer thin layer; however, only the inner component was present in cysts of N. fowleri and N. jadini, which had a smooth appearance. At the ultrastructural level, excystment of N. fowleri involved digestion of the mucoid plug and emergence of the trophozoite through the pore. Some digestion of the cyst wall also appeared to take place during excystment.