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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3751

Amos Frisch, Wolfgang Bessler, Hans Joachim Lipps, and Dieter Ammermann; Immobilization of Ciliates by Concanavalin A. J.Protozool. 23(3):427-430, 1976


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Interaction of several plant lectins with the ciliates Stylonychia mytilus, Euplotes aediculatus, and Tetrahymena pyriformis GL, was investigated. The motility of Stylonychia is specifically inhibited by treatment with concanavalin A, with which the 2 other ciliates react only weakly. Stylonychia can regain its motility by shedding the lectin-loaded surface components and rebuilding a new pellicle. Other lectins used in this study did not interact with these ciliates.