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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3726

Jiri Popovsky and Lois A. Pfiester; The Life-histories of Stylodinium sphaera Pascher and Cystodinedria inermis (Geitler) Pascher (Dinophyceae), Two Freshwater Facultative Predator-autotrophs. Arch.Protistenk 125:115-127, 1982


In File


Observation are given on the life cycles of two freshwater facultative predator - autotrophs. Two sessile dinoflagellates, Stylodinium sphaera and Cystodinedria inermis are shown to have amoeboid and heliozoid stages which are predatory on other algae. Some stages are identical to named protozoan species from genera Vampyrella, Amoeba, Dinamoeba, Actinophrys, Raphidiocystis, Trichophrya.