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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3719

John P. Cann; An Ultrastructural Study of Mayorella viridis (Leidy) (Amoebida: Paramoebidae), a Rhizopod Containing Zoochlorellae. Arch.Protistenk 124:353-360, 1981


In File


The ultrastructure of M. viridis is described, with special reference to the cell surface. Comparisons are made with the surface structures of members of the Thecamoebidae, and also with M. riparia. Ultrastructural comparisons are also made with another member of the Paramoebidae, V. bacillipedes. M. viridis has a thick cell coat consisting of 3 distinct layers. The nucleus is surrounded by three membranes, and the zoochlorellae are in membrane-bound vesicles, with no observable connections with the amoebic cytoplasm.