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Ref ID : 3714

Milan Ertl; [Zur Taxonomie der Gattung Proterospongia Kent] (Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Genus Proterospongia Kent). Arch.Protistenk 124:259-266, 1981


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From the genus Proterospongia Kent there were described four species and two varieties up to now. The taxonomy of this genus has not been reliably clarified yet. The reason is the unsufficient knowledge of the nomenclatural type of the species P. haeckelii Kent, which is also the type of the genus. The existence of this species which was described just a hundred years ago has not been confirmed yet. The most spread species from the genus Proterospongia is P. skujae Bourrelly. This species was found by the author of this paper also on the locality in Kew Gardens from which P. haeckelii was described. Often used and originally by Kent introduced generic name Protospongia as "nomen praeocupatum" was replaced later by Kent by the valid name Proterospongia.